USB Powered Woot-Off Lights

:frowning: I wanted to get a baggo de craupoodle :frowning:

The end?

got these before. one worked the other didn’t. currently only one woot light is light up and spinning :frowning: so sad

We waited for months for a woot off and no boc? :frowning:

I have two sets. =)

Amazon has ROBBED us of BOC joy!

NO monkey??? NO bag… sigh


seriously? that’s not it, right?

smashes face through flat-panel monitor that Woot sold me two months ago


This better be a fakeout

it’s over, Johnny…it’s over!

My lights are flashing right now… and sad thing is, my wife didn’t even notice!

whar the crap. besides the rest of the wootoff

No baggie this time around?

I’m very very disappointed in the Twitter scheme.

Can they make me ice cream or jump start my car?

whiskey tango foxtrot

and thats all she wrote … go to bed !

Screaming Monkeys next?