Vampire Photo Booth

Bit of a snag with regards to photographs and vampires.

you got one smart kid there

Wow. That must suck.

If this shirt had glitter mixed in with the vampire’s ink I would definitely buy 3, plus more when it went to the reckoning, & give it to all the twilight fans in my family.

OH! Forgot the pun…

Another one bites the dust!

So happy to see this print! Congrats!

He’s just a bit dehydrated. Just ad a few drops of blood and he’ll be as good as new, er dead… undead?

I vowed to buy this shirt if it ever came out…and now ~Hits “The Button”~ IT IS MINE!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

You know, I like to imagine that he just had a lovely night at the carnival. Ate some children who had just had cotton candy. Rode through the incredibly cheesy Hawnted Houze. Maybe even rode the ferris wheel once or twice. Then, only after he’d had the time of his ‘life’, he made the mistake of using the UV photo booth.

Congrats Spirit. :slight_smile:

Even the flame has tiny bats in them. Nice.

As a serial shirt.woot buyer and vampire lover, this was a no-brainer. So excited!

Gotta be weary of those new digital UV photo booths. They might burn more than just the money in your pocket…

Congrats Spirit! I may just be in for one.
EDIT: Yeah, I’m in for one. Just placed my order.

In for one. Please get it here by Halloween!

Nice shirt! Makes me think of Otto Chriek.

A small glass vial of blood (chicken for black-ribboners!) worn around the neck would have fixed him up right away.

At the very least he should have been carrying a dustpan and card.

Tsk. Undead AND unprepared! (:

Just l**ove this! I bet lotsa people thought of vampire-themed designs. But this cracks me up, and makes me go “oh, yeah!” Great drawing too! Congrats once again to the gifted Spiritgreen.

Alright, Spirit! I figured this one was a print! Who can pass up an awesome vampire shirt? Heck yeah, my friend! High-five!

From photogenic to pyrogenic in 2 seconds flat. Gives a whole new meaning to hot flashes.

Congrats on the selection, Spirit! And congrats to all of us that the voters gave us something worth buying!

You can do overnight (Tuesday) for $5.

THIS is a quality post.

Cute comment - glad you got a quality post - but vampires…are…NOT…sparkly! (/clenched teeth)

p.s. yes, I read the #$&!%*! books.