1 Vizio VO32L 32” 720p LCD HDTV
$459.99 + $5 shipping
condition: Refurbished
1 Vizio VO32L 32” 720p LCD HDTV
$459.99 + $5 shipping
condition: Refurbished
what just happened?
on to the 26’s now?
Is that Joni from Happy Days ?
I’m holding out for the 2" lcd’s.
Galaxy of Terror(1981) ?
[QUOTE=ChrisPUT, post:7, topic:180452]
Galaxy of Terror(1981) ?
How did you even guess that?
I have no idea if you’re even close.
been waiting for this one and I got it
was thinking about jumping on it till I ebay’ed it, and this is not a deal
cheaper on ebay even after shipping
Just what I was looking for…
would this work as a monitor?
i have vga cables
[QUOTE=nischwartz, post:11, topic:180452]
Just what I was looking for…
Finally a bedroom tv.
Only 529.99 NEW at Costco w 17.95 shipping.
Is this picture from when joanie finds out she is pregnant with cha-chi’s baby?
oh, yes, this is terror. galaxy of, i see the tie in to this selloff.
good guess on alphabetical, looks like size from large to small and in each size alphabetical from a to z by brand, just one small hick up in that formula.
[QUOTE=ChrisPUT, post:7, topic:180452]
Galaxy of Terror(1981) ?
Wow. Good job with the obscure movie info
[QUOTE=tkastorff, post:10, topic:180452]
was thinking about jumping on it till I ebay’ed it, and this is not a deal
cheaper on ebay even after shipping
Yeah, they even have one for 99 cents… happy biudding
[QUOTE=edthebedhead, post:8, topic:180452]
How did you even guess that?
I have no idea if you’re even close.
It looks like Erin Moran from Happy Days, so I looked her up and found something that looked like a horror movie.
Sweet, looks like some of these went out today. Found mine on fedex by searching by reference number.