Vizio 32” 720p LCD HDTV

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1 Vizio VX32L 32” 720p LCD HDTV

$449.99 + $5 shipping


this is the older model yet only a few bucks cheaper, not a good deal


Hmmm… these are getting tempting!

I don’t know what it is about her, but I have always liked her. Huge crushness.

worth it?

[QUOTE=uski, post:2, topic:180456]
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Have I missed the buckaroo banzai description and image yet?

[QUOTE=bcgiiiatm, post:7, topic:180456]
worth it?

decent tv…

i need a smaller one though

Isn’t that Octopussy?

I have this same set, wife and I enjoy it.

She has that Pat Benetar look, LOL… wtf

what other brands do you think are left for the 32" after vizio? i assume westinghouse, but any other ones?

[QUOTE=aarons22, post:14, topic:180456]
what other brands do you think are left for the 32" after vizio? i assume westinghouse, but any other ones?

ZONY, and ZENITH, and XANADU, and of course ZAGNOVOX.

FYI You can’t go wrong with Vizio’s support. These guys are top notch.

[QUOTE=edthebedhead, post:10, topic:180456]

i need a smaller one though

That’s what she said!

I have this one. Got it at Sam’s as a return 2 years ago for $499. Pretty good picture for a 720p LCD. It’s true what they say though - whatever size HDTV you buy, you’ll wish you had bought a size bigger.