Worth the price? I am looking for a TV for the dorms.
i am excited and overjoyed
And the blitz is on?
Not bad! How do we feel about refurb on this tv?
Last time I saw that expression, it was inflatable. And Tim Minchin sang about her.
i don’t like the girl on the tv lol
Bought one new a year ago from walmart, $400… not a bad tv for not being full HD.
Whine… want a decent size flatscreen, can’t afford it. Looks like a sweet deal.
Aaaaaaaaaaand thanks for posting that pic right before I head off to bed, woot! Nightmares, ahoy! :-/
It seems ok… The brand isn’t my fav, and you’ll likely want real speakers.
Killer: NOT fillHD. 1080p is full.
Previous woot-off:
EXCELLENT TV. Bought one last woot off and couldn’t be happier with my purchase.
Wa-hoooooooooooooo, Woot Off!!!