Vornado Air Purifier

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Vornado Air Purifier
$69.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

Product List:

  • 1 Vornado Air Quality System (AQS) 15 Air Purifier

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New Vornado Air Purifier, for $69.99 + $5 shipping
Product: 1x Vornado Air Quality System (AQS) 15 Air Purifier

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came and woot with us, just click the link in my banner. And remember always buy 3!!! and its new!!!


DO Not Need


Alright, nothing to see here lookie-loos.

Purify my arse. Give me a bag o crap :frowning:

next please.



I got this on sellout. Keeps the noise away while I sleep during the day, sounds like you’re lying next to the freeway. Wonderful gray noise.

Air purifier? Thanks, but I think all the old people are asleep at this hour . . . either that, or they’re drinking coffee on the way to the mall to do some power walking.

no really

Please, someone buy. lots. of. these.

it’s actually good for the home, especially if you live in a smog-filled city.

the firestorm really did a job with air quality the past few days

clean air = live longer. u can’t put a price on that.

I’d buy 3 but i have a garage full of more expensive and better air purifiers. (im using one right now model 1200 cs)

but for $75 including shipping, it’s a steal.

BUY 3.

clean air = live longer.

can’t put a price on that

wow these are really moving.
better buy 1 or 3 before there all gone