Vornado Air Purifier

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Vornado Air Purifier
$69.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

Product List:

  • 1 Vornado Air Quality System (AQS) 15 Air Purifier

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New Vornado Air Purifier, for $69.99 + $5 shipping
Product: 1x Vornado Air Quality System (AQS) 15 Air Purifier

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oh god, not yesterday’s sellout…


2, dang!



do. not. want.


im hungry

Hey look, a sellout.woot transplant. If they didn’t sell then, they’ll sell now. :wink:

there better not be many of these, i wants bag of carp

my air must not be too bad, im still thinking strait enough to avoid this one

I am beginning to see a pattern here…

next please

my air is pure…full of smoggy goodness.

nobody at sellout wanted this yesterday either

oh wtf…when will the re-sells end

and with that i might have to go to bed til 9 or so.