What’s with my (lack of) avatar?

My fun avatar only shows up on the shopping side, not in the forums. Also on my forum profile is some weird amazon email address. Help!

We hit a hitch with getting them moved over but I’m going to write up instructions tonight on how to move them manually.

Turns out our PNGs are true PNGs. It’s always something. :cry:

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Thanks! :grin: I wondered if it was maybe because I’m new, but I see you’ve been redoing things around here!

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Thank you for the post about avatars. I love mine, yay!

Now a follow up about the email address it shows in forum settings… mine says something like notify.amzn-1.blablahablabetc. woot.com. Does everyone have something like this or is there a way to put my actual email address? Sorry if this is dumb. I just want the full wooty experience.

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Yes, that’s for security. We can’t release email address so we’re using an email alias system for notifications. That lets you get a notice when someone replies or @name to alert you.

You can turn notifications off in your preferences.

And yay, my instructions worked!

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