Windom 35 Degree Sleeping Bag

Wootalyzer’s Pricing Post! - The price of today’s woot item is saved here for future reference

Windom 35 Degree Sleeping Bag
$99.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

DISCLAIMER Wootalyzer! is in no way affiliated with Woot!, and this post may not always be here!

Wooooooooooooot why did you put the boggy old creature in the middle of the Jeopardy College Test? Gaaaaaaaaaahhhhh

holy frijoles, Batman!
those payment processing servers are da bomb!

That’s one of the good changes I was hoping the new corporate overlords could provide.

Very, very nice work.

and thanks for my baggie!!!

That was weird. I clicked on Buy One within a fraction of a second, put in my CC security code and it said Sold Out.

Dang. has been too slow today for BoCs. Oh well, guess I’ll be F5ing the rest of the night.

…and in the morning, you emerge as a beautiful butterfly!

nabbed one, I can sleep easy…I will now move to the appropriate forum…WOOO

Exactly the same for me.

Aye it was a fast one matey. She got away from me lads.

Um… wasn’t this same sleeping bag 59.99 this morning?

lol pure luck

arg. My wootalyzer went crazy, I cleaned my pants and got through the paypal screen and to the order processing… only to get “your order did not go through”
so close, yet so far away…

Can’t believe I got the BOC. I’m a happy, happy camper. Perhaps I should buy a sleeping bag to keep me warm. has them from the same price pass

I’m going to buy this bag. Sleep in it and vol-la…I have a bag of crap!!!

$95 on with free shipping.

Oops, sorry to comment on this item in the Borg or Crumbs thread ! LOL

Just got here. And I got one… Thanks Woot Gods!

I knew it!!! I went to put my daughter to bed and missed my chance.