Wireless FM Transmitter

That thing belongs in a bag of crap!

how’s it powered?

Wootalyzer’s Pricing Post! - Saving Woot prices for decades to come

Wireless FM Transmitter
$0.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

Product List:

  • 1 Arkon Wireless FM Transmitter # SF121i

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Price comparator post - Manually-optimized searches for relevant results

New Wireless FM Transmitter, for $0.99 + $5 shipping
Product: 1x Arkon Wireless FM Transmitter # SF121i

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Here’s what similar items are going for on ebay…

eBay Search Results: FM Transmitter

in case anyone was wondering how much a non crappy one costs…

looks terrible


Buy it just for the audio cable.

I have had one of these for literally over ten years. Better than the new digital ones.

oh, and firsties!

lmao please tell me they only have one of these

Brought to you by 1987!



i want crap


I’ll assume this would’ve been in my barely-missed BOC and be happy I didn’t get one after all.


I have an insert for my tape deck - don’t need this.

guess what’s going to be in your bag of crap?