wish list request

I was wondering if there is,or if you could add a wish list part to our accounts,so we can save an item for later purchase so we don’t have to search again.Thank you.

Hi there. We don’t have that feature. Not sure it would work for our site because our inventory revolves a lot. Items aren’t available for long in many cases. We’re not like a full retail store (e.g. Amazon, Walmart) that continually restocks the same inventory.

I think it might work for the shirt.woot group. since you have such a lovely catalog of designs to choose from. Along those lines, having some form of tag cloud for items that a person wants to get notifications when items with those terms pop up for sale.
Say I needed a high capacity flash drive.
I could set up terms like “flashdrive” “256GB” in my app or account, and select how I want notified, email, text, push… Then when one comes available I would get the alert!

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True. But considering that we’ve been waiting 2 years to get purple and cream added to search among many other things, don’t hold your breath.



Maybe it’s time to make Woot open source. I think there’s enough developer/customers to get things moving in no time.