Wolf King Warrior USB Ultimate FPS Gaming Pad

Wolf King Warrior USB Ultimate FPS Gaming Pad
$24.99+ $5 shipping

1 Wolf King Warrior USB Ultimate FPS Gaming Pad

How superbly awesome!!!

I’ll stick with my Nostromo


Jeez what jumped?

Man if only it wasn’t 25 bucks.



Looks like an English major’s waffle iron.

pancake pan?

this blows

Where is the cool stuff, Good night

Sorry, I play all my FPS’ with an xbox controller.

What the hell can you actually use it for looks like a pizza keyboard?

thats pretty cool… too bad i dont have a use for it tho

I needed a new waffle iron, too.

 In for three!

err no… sorry don’t care… and at first glance i thought it was a frying pan haha.

we can only hope there are only two of them…

hellza lame