Women are farking crazy

A gift, really.

Ooohhh, I like presents…

and the wood stove has a wonderful fire going, and the sleet is coming down outside…

Oh, and it’s almost Christmas… What am I going to get for Christmas?

Wanna cookie?

I’ll wrap it up, all pretty with some ribbon…

did you spell cookie right?


I’m going to go with ‘yes’, in order to appease the censors.

Just checkin, never know when spell check doesn’t work.

Now, about the ribbon…

You have ribbon preferences?

I thought a surprise would be best, but if you’re going to fuss, I can let you to both the wrapping and the unwrapping.

It’s more of what happens to the ribbon before the cookie gets it.

Knots and bows and twirlies?

Umm, close?

//fanning self//

see Wood stoves are great!

comes closer

Oh wait, that’s not what you said…

Just hand me one end of the ribbon…

I think letting you find it on your own might be more fun!

I can rise to that challenge! Now where’s my bucket?

so tempted to drag out that tired bucketmeme

Ummm…Same place as the cookie?

Cool, then we know where the wet wood goes.

If that was ever a question…I’m a tad concerned?

It goes by that wood stove, so it can warm to the appropriate temperature!

85 degrees in the living room and climbing…