Woot app crashing when launched

Continuing the discussion from Woot! App! Week!:

Reloaded reinstalled rebooted over and over and the Woot app just crashes every time I open it. It just shuts right away after starting to show me the home page in the app. Using iPhone 8+ updated. ???

I’m having the same problem with my Acer chromebóok in tablet mode and regular mode. All other apps behave normally.

Hi there. Sorry for the problem. Could you pls give me the following infomration:

Phone, version
OS, version
App version (in more)

Thanks. TT, for your interest in our problem. My problem is on an Acer Chromebook, model# N15Q8, Google Chrome OS version 84.0.4147.127. The Woot app version is 4.4.0 installed from the Google Play Store.

Thank you. You’ve been able to run the Woot! app on the chromebook previously?

Yes, I don’t use the Woot app on the chromebook real frequently, but I first noticed the problem about three weeks ago. Prior to that, and I don’t really recall how long prior, the app worked fine. It could have been another week or even two. I’ve tried the usual stuff, rebooting the chromebook and uninstalling and reinstalling the app several times but there was no change.

I’ll ask but I might get an answer that it wasn’t tested on Chrome OS.

My WOOT app keeps crashing on my Kindle Fire! Does that make sense? No. Every time I pull it up, it’ll stay on for about 10- 20 seconds and then completely shut down. I’ve tried reinstalling, I’ve cleared the cache, I’ vs rebooted my Kindle… Nothing seems to help.

What version of android? Kindle Fires use a proprietary android OS, I believe. Could be incompatible with the App.