Woot Cellars, Emergency Holiday Provisions - Gift Pack

From what I’ve seen on wine.woot, this seems to be a very good deal. Unfortunately, not a wine person and not old enough. Maybe next year.

I much rather buy some cheap wine from walmart

I would have bought as an x-mas gift but does not ship to MA.

ahhh… i just bought the 6 pack the other week. oh well, probably couldnt gift the jarred veggies anyway

Woot Cellars box is the same. That would be the only reason for me to go in, having already bought the EHP in spades (and with 2 more boxes on the way from the MP).

But good offering, WD!!!

FWIW this wine is quite tasty, and not too overpowering if you are going to feed it to casual wine drinkers.

If I wasn’t at work, I’d pop one open and tell yall how it tastes… just got my provisions today

This is pretty flipping awesome and makes me wish I had disposable cash :frowning:

The Wine is really tasty I opened a bottle the other night. If this was just the wine i would be in for more

Here’s to hoping I know what’s next :slight_smile:

Got a case of EHP a week ago, I must say its good stuff…

why not, this isnt wine

I would rather ferment my baby’s diaper

I got these spreads awhile ago when they were offered. havnt tried the green olive which is really the reason i got it, but the red pepper one was only fair and the artichoke dip was pretty rancid tasting. would NOT advise buying this for the dips…

it doesn’t say you get the wine, but the state restrictions are in place…

so i guess you do

i got this in the mail yesterday from the woot when it was offered.

have yet to crack it though…

It’s a snow day here in So. Wisconsin and I’m sitting here sipping this very wine right now. VERY good and well-worth the buy. The Appetitans? Not so much - glad I bought them the first time, but would not repeat on them. And I just got this box with the Monkey Prize on Sunday. Will pass this time…

:slight_smile: I think that I am one of the few people who likes wine detours…Too bad I have 6 bottles sitting right next to me.

The “provisions” are definitely wine.

the description down below says you get wine.