Woot-Off Lights

Send me pictures of excess stuff you want to unload, and I’ll see if I can help…

(Because I’m assuming you wouldn’t be able to fit everything in one picture.)


This is Virginia. Just throw it out of your car when you’re driving on the highway.


You’re thinking of West Virginia.


(and @LindaGibson99 via PM)

:purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart:
to all of you! Linda PMed me the link for the lights, which I promptly clicked on and bought. Probably should’ve bought more than one set, but I still need to be a little sensible with my money for now. Once I’ve been at New Job longer, then I can get a little more spendsy.

Y’alles are wonderful and dear to me. TT, too, even though she didn’t @ me about the lights. I am humbled by your thoughtfulness, and even generosity in being willing to buy a set for me so I wouldn’t miss out if they sold out. :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart:

Once I figure out how to hook them to my laptop (which plugs into some connector for the THREE monitors I have to play on–yes, be jealous of my monitor real estate!) then I’ll post a happy-'Kat pic.

I shall have happy contented dreams tonight, and not because there’s woot!off lights coming my way.



Lol. It’s pretty bad here too

Btb, I didn’t mean to be rude.

BIG THANKS to you, TT, for putting these on this month, while I still have my prime membership! :purple_heart: :purple_heart:


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Ironically, I think I’d prefer batteries. Wires drive me mad. :crazy_face:

Came back 'cause I remembered there was some video posted which I didn’t watch.

And having skimmed through it, I’m sorry but it seems like a stupid amount of effort just to replace white bulbs with orange. Esp 'cause I did NOT like the flashing one. Really, either spin or flash. Not both.
Some folks have WAY too much free time.

Oh, ditto! @sammydog01 If nothing else, it’ll go into my Mystery Boxes, which I donate to the charity auction at the sci-fi con Mem Day weekend. Those usually bring good bids. One of the reasons I continue trying for Bs o’ C–more MB material!



The bulb transplant took like 20 minutes. You can’t even watch an episode of boob tube TV in that. I spend more time reading woot comments.

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Find your own source of junk.

I already called first dibs from @sammydog01!

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Have to admit, that even though I already had a set, I just bought a second… because reasons…


I really dont get the deal about the lights? Are they just decoration or are they actually used for something?

Careful, you’re showing your Amazon-inspired noob-ness


All card carrying Woot members have them. You wanna be a cool kid? You gotta get them.


I’m gonna be a wet blanket. Been a wooter for going on 2 decades. Passed the 100 woot mark so long ago, I can’t remember. Yes, I’ve got a pair of these in a box somewhere. Again, so long ago I don’t remember. These things will end up an utter waste and in a landfill somewhere. Anyone here who gives the slightest X for issues like climate change will avoid unnecessary arranged-mineral trinkets like this like the plague.

At least you’re one of the “cool” Wooters.

Or put them out and use them often.

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I bought a few of these when they first appeared. Never going to look through my 56 pages of stuff to find out I probably paid $10 for them at the time.

Cleaned up my office 6 months ago and put away (or buried) the set that sat on my desk forever unused, never spinning both at the same time or they would come on randomly because of a faulty switch.

Realized they were gone and have a whole new generation in my family that is not yet woot indoctrinated. So I bought more and had them shipped all over the country.

Mine arrived today after a couple weeks as did my family’s and realized I had not hit my limit of 10. So now work colleagues are also going to suffer (I mean enjoy) defective woot lights (on/off/spin/no spin).

If I get fired, this is my official resume for a job at woot!

“Buy woot!. Go Amazon GO!”

Thank you


Fun fact: you can run them off of a USB battery pack.

Now you can have Woot lights on the toilet.


Great occupied sign!