Woot! Secrets!

We know 42 was the answer to life, the universe and everything, but what was the question?


What is 9 x 5?

ā€œI always thought something was fundamentally wrong with the universe.ā€

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7 x 6 ā€¦

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The product of the primes, 2, 3, and 7ā€¦

Higher than the national average.

What he said

hqdefault Heā€™s the big guy at Woot! headquarters.

I shouldā€™ve said J.R.

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I ordered a size small and the print on it is like the size of a small hand. bummer


Refurbished McRibs? :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:

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Do they come with any warranty?

Love me some McRibs. And Iā€™m not afraid to say it

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Worse than refurbished sweet potatoes

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Canā€™t find them can someone post a link? Unless theyā€™re sold out :weary:

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I wanna know the motive for this Question.

How do you refurbish McRibs twice?

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My cat will stare me down the entire time Iā€™m having cereal in full expectation that she gets to lick the bowl . Every single time, she gets to lick

the bowl. Every single time she forgets she hates licking the bowl and walks away pissed at me for giving her something she doesnā€™t likeā€¦ cats


Mr. Kittyface was very disappointedā€¦ he made me look, he wanted those refurbished mc Ribsā€¦


Seven times eleven teen equals, but what was the question?

So using star trek replicators then?

Your cat hasā€¦presence. That face. That stance. Also r/chonkers