Woot Stress Ball & Soap (Your Choice)

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Woot Stress Ball & Soap (Your Choice)
Price: $9.99
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 1-2 business days (Tuesday, Dec 01 to Wednesday, Dec 02) + transit
Condition: New


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Search Google](Woot - Google Shopping Stress Ball +%26 Soap (Your Choice))

Interesting. Hope to see these in future BOCs

Kinda hilarious.

So tempted. But exhausted dumb money on eggs.

What does the soap smell like? CRAP?


Hey Mods, not a big deal, but the Specs are mixed up.

Aw when I first switched screens I almost clicked Buy on reflex because I thought it was a real bag.

Not worth the risk

I was about to jump on this until I saw the price. If it was in the $5-7 range, or if it was both stress balls and soap for $9, I would be in.

I don’t know what to do…

Wow! That’s some serious mark-up. My company buys this kind of crap to give away, not to sell for $5 per piece… Shameless ploy to pad today’s profits yet still tempting me to click the button…

What risk?

Learned my lesson the hard way about buying mystery items. Not falling for it again.

This isn’t a mystery, you are ordering either a bag of crap stress ball and a ball of soap, or a wootoff light stress ball and a ball of soap.

Or ARE you.

yup, don’t get your hopes up.

Woot guys are so hilarious at times… just started a crapagaddon on cyber monday… :smiley: :smiley:

Where’s the mystery? We’re telling you exactly what you’re getting.

If the light actually flashed, or the BOC made a sound, I would be much more tempted.