Worldwide Gourmet Salmon Sampler (4)

Worldwide Gourmet Salmon Sampler (4)


Kosher? Under whose certification? Thanks!

Raise your hand if after seeing the picture and reading the first word on the package thought… “Wow smoked dolphin. I’ve never had that before.”

Two are “Wild Sockeye Smoked Salmon” and two are “Naturally Wild Smoked Salmon”…

I’ve looked, I can’t find a salmon species called “Naturally Wild”, so what are these? There are four other species in Alaska - Pink, Chum, Chinook, Coho…

Per the vendor, the naturally wild salmon is pink salmon.

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Is each PKG 8oz,so’s there’s 32oz of salmon or is each PKG 4oz and there’s 16oz of salmon?

If you look at the photos, each package is 8oz.