Wecome to the Woot-off item #20 topic page for this product on Friday, May 6th, 2005. Please post your questions, experiences, or pricing comments here…
c’mon…everyone needs one of these…keep the woot-off going!
Today’s item quantity: 400<br>Last Order time: 01:41:39 PM CDT<br>Woot Member to blame: dsmeadow<br>Order Pace: 0m 12.85s<br>Woot Wage: $5601.40 an hour.
Today’s item quantity: 400<br>Last Order time: 01:41:43 PM CDT<br>Woot Member to blame: wootvirgin<br>Order Pace: 0m 12.86s<br>Woot Wage: $5597.04 an hour.
WOW… How long will this go? Is this a new record for items in a WOOT OFF??
http://www.whatsyourdeal.com . . Great deals, coupon codes and freebies
[size=20:3e59dabacf]Screw that Mach 2 crap![/size:3e59dabacf]
Razor blade companies have proven beyond even a five-o’clock-shadow of a doubt that consumers will buy absolutely anything if it has a bigger number, regardless of how much proof modern science can provide documenting that the only actual improvements are to the manufacturers’ profit margins.
[size=15:3e59dabacf]So Don’t Delay, Get Your [/size:3e59dabacf][size=24:3e59dabacf] Mach 7 Car [/size:3e59dabacf][size=15:3e59dabacf] Today! [/size:3e59dabacf]
Saw this in between finals wasn’t able to post. Thought I would mention It was 5 bucks cheaper at www.txmicro.com which used to be tigersurplus.com which coincidently is in the same metro area as Woot and seems to carry some of the same products…
I wonder how that is… what an interesting and odd coincidence…
[quote user=“SquintyPete”]Saw this in between finals wasn’t able to post. Thought I would mention It was 5 bucks cheaper at www.txmicro.com which used to be tigersurplus.com which coincidently is in the same metro area as Woot and seems to carry some of the same products…
I wonder how that is… what an interesting and odd coincidence…[/quote]$5 cheaper base price maybe, but add on shipping and it comes to $24 to Woot’s $25. Pretty comparable. Of course, now you’ve got me tempted to go out and buy 4 of them from these guys. Punk.
[size=18:3c4f4dab6e]Thanks for the price Skor Grimm!!! [/size:3c4f4dab6e]
OK, I ordered this a million years ago, where the fuck is it!!! I want my goddamn car you bastards!!!
Seriously, where’s my car. 8 days… 8 freaking days i’ve been waiting. AT least give me a tracking number so I can pretend that it will be arriving soon…
[quote user=“JPJR”]OK, I ordered this a million years ago, where the f*ck is it!!! I want my goddamn car you bastards!!!
Seriously, where’s my car. 8 days… 8 freaking days i’ve been waiting. AT least give me a tracking number so I can pretend that it will be arriving soon…[/quote]
the warehouse originally estimated being done by the end of the day friday, but there are still several shipments from the woot-off to be shipped this week. just hang tight… takes a while to get 12,000 items out the door
this thing is fast :!: :!: :!:
i’m was shocked - a car that actually is as fast as i’d hope
http://img15.echo.cx/img15/4371/banana3cj.gif Woot Rocks! http://img15.echo.cx/img15/4371/banana3cj.gif
c’mon…everyone needs one of these…keep the woot-off going!
Today’s item quantity: 400<br>Last Order time: 01:41:39 PM CDT<br>Woot Member to blame: dsmeadow<br>Order Pace: 0m 12.85s<br>Woot Wage: $5601.40 an hour.
Today’s item quantity: 400<br>Last Order time: 01:41:43 PM CDT<br>Woot Member to blame: wootvirgin<br>Order Pace: 0m 12.86s<br>Woot Wage: $5597.04 an hour.
WOW… How long will this go? Is this a new record for items in a WOOT OFF??
http://www.whatsyourdeal.com . . Great deals, coupon codes and freebies