Xact M3X X-Linx Two-Way FRS Radio – 2 Pack

Ooh, already down to 70%. Keep up the pace, Strong Bad!

Alright woot, you’ve got me for at least one more.

Ugly sci0fi bugs

Every time I post, I keep getting server errors. WTF?

The ones two days ago had nipples, I liked them better, I hate you woot, but at the same time, I am here right next to you, when you need a friend

Not again these…At least they’re not orange/white with the nipple…

Girlfriend? Are you sure you’re a wooter?

they look like great fun :slight_smile:
use them at work,
use them at play,
use them any time, or all day

New idea… don’t trash an item…I say that this is the best woot I ever wooted…wink wink…help it sell then on to the good stuff. Reapply as needed to other woots that you think suck. Don’t miserepresent the item, just key in on the good points…like if some shmuck buys this we’re on to a BOC!!! :slight_smile:

Hey, checkerboard is IN these days!

can’t you right justify your number columns?

great, since I missed the POS nasty yellow ones a few days ago, I can pick up these POS nasty grey ones now!!!

Not uglo-orange and no nipples…

but still no use for it.

I’m sure it’s an amazing value, though.

Not again … at least these look better than the ones the other day

You have a girlfriend? Were those on woot recently, did I miss that day???

Click on the radios, great !!

Isn’t that the same product discription from a month or so ago? That’s not cool, recycling your snarky comments, Woot.

pardon me… but that looks like CARBON FIBER to me dear boy! wowza!

those were m4x…these are m3x…biiiiiiiiiiigggggggg diference…I think

I bought 2 because I hear chicks dig em…

Nice…now stuck at 49%