Ye ol' Shirt.Woot Trailer of Crap

Ok LoganCraig1629561. What are you going to do with our little trailer?


My life is complete!!

Wow, that was quick.

I would think road trip to see the Wooster would be appropriate.

that was way fast holy crap

Nice haul! I hope there are some bags in there when you get it!

So just to be clear, you know this is a trailer and nothing more than a trailer. Your card is being charged the full amount. AND you have to come to Seattle to get it.



Brushing my daughter’s teeth. Of COURSE I missed it! Expensive but would have loved the opportunity to take a road trip out to Seattle from Mississippi!

Haha I know. I only live 2 hours away :). Just let me know when!

So was there anything besides the trailer? :laughing:

I particularly enjoy the price of it.

Congrats… dibs if you decide you can’t get it. Will even pay you a premium of $1,414.15. :slight_smile:

If Logan does remove it from your hands, definitely deserves at least one QP to remove the lonesome goose egg. :slight_smile:

Congrats, Logan!

We’ll contact you within 24 hours to start the process and arrange a time with you. We also need to clean out some of the spiders except for Leon. He’s pretty cool.

We’ll contact you via the email address on your account so make sure that’s the current one.

Yup yup!

I’m gonna get nothing done at work today :joy:

This is the most depressing part lol

Woot will remove all the Shirt.Woot identification from the trailer prior to pick-up. He will be returned to his mostly-pristine color (shockingly bright white) when you get him. He’s ready to take on whatever identity you give him. Please keep us posted on little Shirty, we do want to see him thrive.

Two hours away? So, Bellevue? :smiley:

For legal reasons, the branding needs to be removed.

haha, great first post.