Yippee ki-yay

My favorite shirt ever, on WOOT! :+1:t2:

I hope it shows up in the reckoning because I missed it. A long time ago when I set up my facebook page when it asked me to write something about myself all I wrote was “chaotic good”.

It’s there already under the bystanders. Clicking on the link in the opening post also works too.

dying to see the full set!

Working on them

So quoting sexist quotes isn’t sexist, because the Doctor Who writers are exempt from racism, colonialism, sexism, and homo/transphobia as the latest white male arbiters of beloved popular media. Good to know.

I love Doctor Who, but it’s isn’t unproblematic.

Why is it that I’ve never seen women used as a referent for humans?

I don’t get it. What did Bruce Willis do “the wrong way”?


Congrats on the derby win. Saw at least a dozen of these at Phoenix Comicon, including 3 on women. Great shirt, love it!

Make one for True Neutral and I’ll buy it.

Dr. Who fan
still cringe at the quote. In the context of past and currently existing cultural problems with sexism, I can’t help but cringe when man is used as a default for humanity. Until the day that woman is used just as often and interchangeably in our culture, (or if we lived in a world where sexism wasn’t still a problem) it’s going to make me cringe.

Will more of the Neutral Evil shirts be printed anytime soon?

This one?

hi, i have this tshirt and love it, how about offering it in a zip hoodie as well? --josh

Just so you know
 this is my alignment in D&D, the alignment I play in most video games given the option, and basically who I am in real life. So, not too surprisingly
 this is my new favorite T-shirt.

Is there any chance of these being shipped out of the US?