Your Choice Mountain House Food 6-Packs

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Your Choice Mountain House Food 6-Packs
Price: $59.99 - 169.99
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard OR $10 Two-Day OR $20 One-Day
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 1-2 business days (Monday, Jun 01 to Tuesday, Jun 02) + transit
Condition: New


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From the official site:

Looks like a pretty good deal!

Reviews over at Cabela’s

“Just in Case…”
You need dinner AND dessert during the zombie apocalypse.
“Honey, please pass the ham.”
Tonight is chicken alfredo.
“You KNOW I don’t eat gluten! This is the worst zombie apocalypse ever!”

The dried apples can be used to make a lot of good desserts. Dried apple pies, apple turnovers; mix re-hydrated with fresh for a taste and texture combination.

Could even re-hydrate some, fry them up with some onions and make a compote for the dried ham.

I’d be interested in reading the ingredient lists.

I would probably die eating the Chicken Alfredo before the hunger gets to me.

This is a good deal. Thanks.

NOT what I’m going to eat during the Zombie Apocalypse.

im gOinG To EaT BraInS.


There probably are people down in Texas that wish they had some of this right about now.

The way it is packaged very much limits your options. It depends on your needs. Once you open one of the cans, you have a few weeks to consume it, or toss it. So, it’s an all or nothing situation. If you like Chicken alfredo, you had better REALLY like it.

I can purchase 64 12 oz. cans of SPAM (384 servings) for what the ham (84 servings) costs. Free shipping from Walmart or Amazon Prime.

Yeah but this is like comparing Apples and ground up apple remains

I think the key thing about meals like this is that it doesn’t matter what they taste like or what preservatives are in them. All that matters is shelf life and availability. They are like insurance. You hope you never need to use them.

There is a famous-brand canned stew on virtually all grocery shelves that is gluten free and costs $1.59 or less.

Wasn’t there a Seinfeld episode where Kramer bought all these huge cans of chili and then ended up feeding it to a carriage-horse to get rid of the open leftovers?

I found a Japanese-made Thermos brand pasta cooker that is essentially a well insulated tube. You pour in dry pasta, add hot water and wait a bit. Then you have pasta. (Not to be confused with the cheap plastic pasta cookers “as seen on TV.”)

“Just add water”