Your Choice: Upper Body Home Equipment

Great reviews (4.7 out of 5.0) on the Power Press Push Up over at amazon

Ontel Product Page on the Iron Gym Express with Video

That guy has to be on the steroids

Rob Falconhawk in the video ? He’s on something, doubt it’s steroids though.

Almost went in on the pull-up bar, since I’m starting P90X next week, but it’s only $6 more on Amazon after the $5 shipping here at Woot, and I’d get it in two days (just in time to start on Monday).

Watched the video 4 times. Like Falconhawk, i’m a well trained athlete with massive bicepular definition. So for that reason, these products are worthless to me. However, that belt. That glorious pink lifting belt. Having a lifting belt like that would allow me to reach my goal of squatting 1352.5 lbs. I must have one Falconhawk. Send it at once.

That’s probably the best compliment you can give a weight lifter.