Yukon Elf-1 Generation 1 Night Vision Monocular

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New Yukon Elf-1 Generation 1 Night Vision Monocular, for $79.99 + $5 shipping
Product: 1x Yukon 15003 Elf-1 Generation 1 Night Vision Monocular

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Yukon Elf-1 Generation 1 Night Vision Monocular
$79.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

Product List:

  • 1 Yukon 15003 Elf-1 Generation 1 Night Vision Monocular

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I only stalk with binoculars.

for the pervert in all of us.

Hell Yeah!! Night Vision!!

Ohhhh yeahhhhhh… this is what I’ve been waiting for… not…

Does it come with X-Ray vision? I always wanted to look at my neighbor’s underoos.

Great present for a cyclops!

How could I use this in a non-creepy way?


for your cycloptic daughter?

This thing is going to get me into trouble twice with the wife. Once for buying it and twice for using it.

Anyone have these??? How good/bad is it?

Its peekaboo pervo time!

What, it only sees elves???

First? (no)


for the pervert in all of us…

Now you can hide in the bushes and spy on your roomba!