Yukon Outfitters Hammock - 2 Choices

I"ve tried both my computers with 2 different OS, but both with Internet explorer. I did get some update on this computer 2 days ago, but that doesn’t explain the other computer. I am downloading firefox now to see if that will fix the problem.

Firefox doesn’t work either. I get all the way to add to cart, and it won’t do anything. Guess I’m missing out on this one.

Hey, I have the same last name and first initial!

I’m super sorry, you guys might want to try clearing your cache/cookies too and see if that helps.

I have the same problem - the “add to cart” button doesn’t work for any of the woot pages. Neither do the alternate photos of the shirts/hoodies on the shirt.woot page. I’m using Firefox on a MacBook Pro, OS 10.8.5. Never had this problem before today.

Can’t look through pictures or buy anything. Take my money, Woot.

Are you on a mobile device or computer? Which browser are you using? Have you cleared cache? Have you tried another device?

Yep same for me. No worky with Chrome, Firefox, or IE. Click on “add it to the cart”, but nothing happens. Also, won’t show the various pictures of the hammocks. :frowning:

I also am unable to add anything or view the pics - tried on Safari, IE, and Chrome. Shucks!

…but thought I’d try it on my iPhone - it worked!

can’t get them to add to cart. wtf?

Are you on a mobile device or a computer? Have you tried another browser or device? Have you cleared cache?

I bought this as a gift for someone special who has wanted one for years. She was so excited and happy! Said it was of great quality and the price tag of 69.99, well, lets just say… She loved it. Thank you Woot!

Oh I’m talking about the Yukon Outfitters Hammock by the way!!!