Yukon Outfitters Tactical Hydration Pack

**Item: **Yukon Outfitters Tactical Hydration Pack
Price: $17.99
Shipping Options: $5 Standard OR $9 Two-Day OR $12 One-Day
Condition: New

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Previous Similar Sales (May not be exact model)
7/26/2013 - $17.99 - 28 comment(s)

Your Amazon and Google searches suck!

Anyone know if the bladder is kind with the circular screw on cap or if it is the slide lock type at the top?

What is tactical about this? Also is the bladder BPA free?

It tactically looks like a thong.

I guess “Strategic Hydration Pack” didn’t have the same appeal.

a thong with a built in bladder, add a catheter and you could drive long distances. Think of the possibilities.

The strong materials in this pack is what allows this bag to be used in tactical situations. Most hydration packs are bright colors with even reflective striping that don’t allow for covert situations. The bladder is FDA approved

thanks for looking!