Zeon Tablet 7” DVD Player with Video iPod Dock

Ya snooze, ya lose.

ahhh the crap is gone

In for… Damn, gone

I already have one of these and have to say it is pretty cool. I paid $99 at Best Buy last year. No problems at all. We use it as an on the go TV for the kid.

Track Woot Bringing It To You All Through The Woot Off. Check out our opinion of the Zeon Tablet 7” DVD Player with Video iPod Dock. =)

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suppose it would be relatively easy to make this work in a car?

But will it work on a Zune?

I bought one of these a looong time ago on Woot. Kinda nifty but the video res sucks a bit. Good to keep the kids busy in the car, though.

Missed it, bummer… B-O-C now please

that was quick

It seems a little obnoxious - the prupose of the Video Ipod was private movie viewing. It bothers me just walking by somebody with a portable DVD player; just watch it on your own for Pete’s sake!

Welcome to Lapland



Bought one several months ago and am fairly pleased with it. I wish there was a way to take the ipod dock off the back. It’s just too bulky if it’s being used simply as a portable DVD player.

I think it’s funny that you dorks are shocked people bought that watch quickly. Perhaps you have no sense of style. Perhaps?

For those of you that missed this woot but want one, check this link, same deal for $65.



I got wonna dees dafurst tym it ever got wooted… like a yeer ago. Its great!