Mozzie Auto-Balancing Hoverboards

Mozzie Auto-Balancing Hoverboards

Looks like a great deal but I can’t justify spending any money on transportation that is slower than going by foot.

Is there going to be a Roomba? Soon? I really need there to be a woot-off roomba… :confused:


lol It IS tempting… but I’m too old and bones break too easily… and my siblings would not be happy with me if I got one for a niece or nephew. :confused:

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Hey Jules, check out the bobsweep pro. I just got one a few weeks ago and it’s amazing. Less expensive than most roombas too.

Lol and sorry to butt in. I’m just so excited about my bob.

Awesome. But why does it need wheels if it hovers?

lol! no worries; I totally appreciate the input and will take it into consideration. :slight_smile: I really wish I’d bought one of the star wars samsung robotic butlers when they were available! looks like they’re done offering those now though… now they just occasionally have the plain samsungs… but who wants that after you’ve watched videos of darth vader sweeping your floors?!? :slight_smile:

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