12 Pcs 2.5" Ceramic Planter Pots

12 Pcs 2.5" Ceramic Planter Pots


I bought these when they were on Amazon full price, I was getting a monthly succulent subscription type of thing- every month 2 different new baby succulents would be shipped (carefully :triumph:) w/information regarding each plant, caring for it, etc. I found myself w so many damn succulents, and terra cotta is nice, but gets boring as heck after maybe 2. So I saw these and thought they’re adorable. Ya, until I ended up with 2 of the same, 6 different, not the end of the world, but the succulents actually grew a lot faster than I ever expected. The pots were really useless after about 6 weeks. They’re in my storage area collecting dust still, since the last succulent outgrew it’s 1 baby pot! Aww a proud plant Mom (j/k, I have 4 real kids, than to be a crazy plant lady)! I’d advise anyone starting out to not bother w anything this tiny, it’s a waste of money. You can get the bigger round pots and plant a few of them in that, and I looks very appealing after they grow a bit (especially if you include one that is a hanging succulent)!

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