Per Hershey:
“ Our products usually have a 12-month shelf life. You can estimate how old the product is based on the Best By (BB) date.”
So, these are likely about 11 months old and at the cusp of their shelf life for about $0.56 a bar. Do with that what you will.
Does not ship with cold pack.
Think about it…it’s sugar! These are good wellllll beyond the “best buy” date. Store them in a cool place. You will have several months of JOY!
There’s no milk to spoil or oil to go rancid. You can even put them in the freezer!
They cannot taste any worse than they already do if they are old. Gross candy, only slightly better than mounds which is a turd bar! Nasty. If you give these out for Halloween you might get your house egged and t.p.'ed
Bring back the almost expired in Germany, the Italian KitKats made in England with Belgium chocolate. THEN WOOT, YOU’VE GOT A DEAL!!
Yep–Woot used to have really good candy–from Mexico, Belgium, Germany, Italy–now we keep getting Palmers’ reappearing a zillion times…
Probably will eat it, but but judging what others do with them…
You got it mixed up. Almond Joy is Sometimes you feel like a nut, Mounds don’t. A Baby Ruth bar is a Turd bar.
I still have a few boxes of those in my freezer, lol. They are very good, tho
Can confirm
Depends if you forget to chew the almonds
In the package phot, it shows an almond, like Almond Joy!
Per the USDA’s website:
“Best if Used By/Before” date indicates when a product will be of best flavor or quality. It is not a purchase or safety date.
Wooters don’t deserve the best quality?