(5 Pack) NDG 10ft USB-C Nylon Braided Charging Cables

(5 Pack) NDG 10ft USB-C Nylon Braided Charging Cables

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5V * 2A = max 10W charging. Not all that great for newer stuff.


TY! I was looking at them to charge student computers. Probably wont work very well.


Yikes! Thank you for the info. We were just about to purchase these because the length was acceptable. However, it does not look like it will charge a laptop efficiently.


You would think that would be in the description. Seems kind of important.


You see, most people understand that a data/charging cable is for a phone or tablet, not a full size notebook.

These will work perfectly well for their intended purpose of being a USB cable that can charge 5v devices.

The dual use ports on laptops charge off 16-20 volts, and all USB cables do not support that voltage anyway.


Yeah these look great just won’t work for rapid charging


Yeah, I have 2 USB-C cables 10 foot long that are 60w rated. They are beastly. These may be fine for most cell phones, but not for demanding tablets and laptops.

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One of the nurses bought a set without reading the discussion board.:grimacing:

Well, hopefully they will still work for the tablets and phones the veterans have at the VA. :face_holding_back_tears:

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Did you purchase them here on Woot?


If you’re charging a laptop, even a simple Chromebook, you should skip any charging cable with a USB-A connector. Neither the volts nor the amps will be high enough to be practical.


Gosh, so much to learn.

So only USB-C cables should be used for charging a laptop?:face_with_raised_eyebrow::thinking::grimacing:

So we should be looking for USB-C cables then?


The chargers should work for USB-C tablets and phones. They won’t charge quickly, but they will charge

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So more the tortoise :turtle: than the hare :rabbit2:…got it!

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Not from Woot. I did get them from the Mothership though. I just checked my orders and the one I purchased is not available. USB-C to USB-C 60W
Here is a Mothership link to a similar one: https://a.co/d/hyFPrSY

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I have usb cables capable of 20V. There are some that are certified to 100W, too.

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You need high wattage cables e.g., 100 W. Also chargers similar in wattage to orginal. If neither, the laptops may not even register there is any charging going on. A phone may do fine with a 12 Watt charger. A laptop will likely need 65 or more Watts. Far higher energy demands.

The plug for your laptops will vary. Example: Some older models use a 19V 3 amp charger with round plug. Many newer laptops come with a pretty heavy duty charger that uses a USB-C tip. USB-C wiring conventions underwent some changes in the last 4 years.

  • Not all adapters will charge other devices safely regardless of the plug. Our IT dept recommends we not try. If in doubt stick with original charger and resign self to many adapters.

  • That said, WOOT is selling USB high Watt adapters for Dell, HP, and Lenovo in the PC Components Spring Sale promotion under Computers. Hope this help.s


When will they have the other colors in stock?
This is great value

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Hi there. This is all our vendor has available at this time.

Thanks guys!

We will try to be more careful choosing cables and plugs.:thinking:

Somebody should start a page just for fellow Wooters to reference.:cat: