Abcosport Garden Kneeler and Seat

The price and Amazon comments make me in for three.

Hm, not sure why to consider this. It looks handy, but there are identical ones on Prime under $20.

I own one of these and bought it many years ago for a lot more money. The design is excellent, and it really helps me work in the garden in spite of my knee pain and difficulty getting up and down from a kneeling position. I highly recommend this valuable piece of gardening equipment!

I, on the other hand, bought one and left it out in the garden. It rusted through in one season, and collapsed when I went to use it in the fall.

OK if you carry it with you back to the house, but otherwise, this item is borderline unsafe.

woot! has sold these before. I remember I didn’t buy it for a reason then, but cannot remember why now.