I want to start a challenge of who can get the best picture from an A.I. photo generator for a specific weekly topic.
Anyone interested in playing?
Week 1 Challenge: “Time Traveling John Oliver”
The actually sounds really fun! I’m in
Aaaaah his hand!
It’s like he went through a teleporter and didn’t quite come out right on the other side.
When this week’s is done, we need to send a link to the results to John Oliver
It would be fun to get him to play along!
He’d be lost. The writers are on strike.
I used DeepAI because it was the only one that didn’t force me to make an account
Text: “John Oliver with Tardis”
I was wondering when a Tardis was going to show up!
I had some fails also. Still look pretty cool but can’t tell it’s John Oliver lol. (DeepAI)
Text: “John Oliver time traveling or Time traveling John Oliver”
Top one looks a little… excited?
He looks happy to be there.