API Access Key

Hello everyone!

I’m trying to figure out how to obtain an API access key for developers.woot.com, and I’ve sent an email to the developer-api-feedback email three weeks ago with no reply since then. I emailed again little over a week later to no response again, in case there was a problem.

After an uneventful exchange with the Woot Customer Service that recommended me to try emailing again, I pulled some Google-Fu and found this thread on these forums that happened back in July.

I’d reply to that thread but I wanted to avoid committing necromancy on a months-old thread so I’m making this new one instead.

I’m a little too meek to directly message a developer (if that’s possible on these forums), if anyone has pointers on getting a faster reply from that email or getting an API in general, that’d be so helpful. If a developer sees this and can issue me an API key, that’d be extremely appreciated!

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DM’ed a key. We’re in the midst of redoing our process for handling API Key generation and will have some changes coming down the pipeline soon

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Would I be able to request one as well?

DM’ed a key

Is there any chance I could get one as well?

Hi there. It’s in your private messages.