Bag o' Crap 9dhf7dd

Exactly how I feel member since 2012 never got Box of Crap after all look at BoC pictures of winnings. It’s not all that🤔 it actually stinks like doo

Random question, are Bag O’ Crap Irish?

Rules is rules. :stuck_out_tongue:


TT… is there a special Cyber Monday Bananas of Cream…? Please say yes

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I mean, it’s been 31 days today and I can’t buy one. I thought that’t how long you have to wait.

About the Vestibule (Waiting Room)

This is a queue to keep our servers from crashing. Without this, we would not be able to sell BOCs. So love the VOP.

If we sell 100 BOCs, we set it so that 50 will go straight through as orders. Any after that go to the VOP to wait until their number is called by the server. This makes sure that orders are sent to the servers at a pace they can handle without going up in smoke.

If you are in the VOP, don’t exit out. Wait it out. You’re not going to get a better place in line by starting over.

Does that help?


Limit one bag per 31 days, per person. To clarify – you cannot have purchased a Bag o’ Crap in the previous 31 days, NOT counting the day you are trying to purchase. That’s Woot Math, and that’s our policy.

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I don’t know how many more times QVC wants me to buy more 10" tablets while I wait for the next opportunity to buy a BoC.

Got it. Thanks for clarifying.

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Yeah thanks ThunderThighs for letting me know about the engine of life screen. That constantly get.

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In for one. Nice!