Bag o' Crap seventeen - poopers!

Bag o’ Crap seventeen - poopers!
Price: $5
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 1-2 business days (Tuesday, Dec 13 to Wednesday, Dec 14) + transit
Condition: Crappier


Buy It](Bag o' Crap seventeen - poopers!) [

Search Amazon]( o’ Crap seventeen - poopers!) [

Search Google](Bag - Google Shopping o’ Crap seventeen - poopers!)

Previous Similar Sales (May not be exact model)
12/12/2016 - $5.00 (Woot-off)

Did you miss it? Here are some Crappy Tips

1. Stay Logged In - When the current item reaches 5%, log out of woot and log back in to keep your session fresh
2. Keep your cart clean - Clear out any sold out items from your cart
3. Use WootStalker - It significantly increases your chances

It’s raining BOC’s! Nice job Woot!

You have to score a BOC today if you try.


vop again?

Got my way earlier today, too bad only one per week :frowning:


Poopers! I got one!

OMG, why is this not working for me today???

Yeees! I have no Idea why I’m excited, but there it is. Finally in for one. And now I have the $5 shipping paid so I can buy some other dumb-a## thing under $10 and not worry about shipping!

Still in the VOP but it is already sold out. Congrats to all who got one!

Third time that I saw it, clicked on it and it just wouldn’t budge til the 3rd or 4th click and then sold out sign. Waaaah:-(

VOP once again…
0 & 5 !!!


Order placed then order cancelled. I’m fairly new to BOC but is it common that they go so fast?

Those who scored - are you scoring from the Community page?

Rats, Vestibuled again!

Time’s cruelty knows no bounds, again! Good grief Charlie Brown.

FWIW, the Twitter feed has been the quickest for me for the last couple of wootoffs. Refresh Twitter, click link, buy. Try it. Hope it works for you too.

Blasted! :frowning: