Bag o' Crap

I was there. I was in the Vestibule of Patience. For 20 minutes. In flicking my screen to keep my phone awake, I accidentally hit the Woot logo and was sent home. :*( Feel bad for me.

Allow me to help you with a couple of pointers. One is that for a lot of people the Vestibule doesn’t auto-refresh when using the mobile app so you may want to occasionally manually refresh the page. On my phone, an Android, I swipe down to make the page refresh. Second, you can safely assume that the bags are all gone after 5 minutes tops. Legend has it that @daveinwarshington is still sitting in a VoP from 1964.

Good luck!


Yes, but I plan to give up before Christmas!


I was afraid to even refresh it. Derp. Thanks for the heads up.

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Sympathy line is over there.


Frig. I always queue at the wrong counter. (I enjoy the sassy nature of the moderators here. It’s refreshing.)


Flicking your phone for more than 20 minutes may lead to: hairy palms, hot dog fingers, or spontaneous dental hydroplosion.

Got my BAG of CRAP and let me tell you my CASSETTE TAPE is the BOMB. and the Blue Rubber Unicorn is now my new Bedtime Partner. Thank you to the MAX
p.s. The roll of paper towel was to clean up the sweat from opening the box.

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Cool stuff! Be sure to post your photo and description in the official crap thread.

(Please note: I don’t work for Woot, I just volunteer to help out here on the forums.)

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Omg… a unicorn ducky…i want 1 of those!