I want to be disappointed just like everyone else!

I edited to reflect the 175 word count :sweat_smile:

I want to be disappointed!

Guess I’m a masochist. :zipper_mouth_face: I’m terribly uncreative though so I won’t make a write up.

Oh wells. :upside_down_face:



“I want to be disappointed” That wire contraption up there should keep all of your crap contained. Fido is going to do his job of filling it up. Please disappoint me! I said please. :monkey:

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Are you one of the millions of Americans that long for the days when their beloved dog was just a puppy?

In honor of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button turning 10 this year is proud to present the Doggie Downsizer!

Mr. Fluffybutt will be restored to his former cuteness in no time by spending just 15 minutes a day in the Doggie Downsizer. The secret to our patented design included melting down the original DeLorean from the hit film Back To The Future as well as the one and only phone booth from the even greater hit comedy Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure.

What are you waiting for? Mr. Fluffybutt isn’t getting any younger, that is unless you buy the Doggie Downsizer today!

Results may vary.


I want to be disappointed and I’m no where near caffeinated enough to write up anything more than that.

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I want to be disappointed.

I want to be disappointed!

I want to be disappointed

I seriously want to be disappointed by those rascally woot monkeys.

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I want to be disappointed

The bag of crap is the crappiest crap that a crap collector could dream of. On this craptastic day a collector can only get a bag of carrots but still dreams the day they will recieve that golden button to get get said crap.

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“I want to be disappointed” but surprises are too fun to be disappointing.

I want to be disappointed! I mean how could it be more disappointing than snagging a boc and then be stuck not able to make the purchase in time before being sold out because of waiting for Amazon to process payment…

I want to be disappointed

I want to be disappointed

“I want to be disappointed”
There…done…now for my write up:
Taking full advantage of my socks…
wait, maybe I got these elsewhere? Am I still in the drawing?

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I live to be disappointed daily here. In fact the cages and dogs are cardboard cutouts. So disappointed.

I want to be disappointed – let’s just get that out of the way.
How could you put such cute dogs in a metal cage? I hope they don’t fit in the BOC.
My dog wants you to know she is capable of leaping over that cage wall, no wall will hold her.
I am disappointed in you, in your cage, your BOC…why do I come back day after day?!
I don’t want your cage or your BOC (reverse psychology? maybe).

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