Boogyyy of Croopyyy

Boogyyy of Croopyyy

Weird that it said it was sold out in my cart, but then it let me buy it.



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Likewise, but yay :grin:!

Same here. This is fun.


Stuck in waiting room trying to even add to cart. Same old woot issues. I’ll never have a BOC again. Been a year + since I’ve been able to score

Ehh, I’m finished with crapping. I’ll let other people deal with disappointment.


Didn’t say that for me, just spun a couple seconds then the thanks screen.

Yay, Snagged my Bag!


Was sold out in my cart also but let me buy it :smiley: . YAY!

VOP :frowning:

I’m in the VOP. No alert from that wootstalker thing.

Same. Yay for more crap!

Classic…stepped out to the bathroom after sitting here for the last 2 hours and BOC happens. You’re welcome.



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A tip for everyone trying for BOC today. Watch this site on the forums Woot-Off Watcher as it has been posting the item around 30 seconds before the website or even wootstalker. I have been using it all day and had the BOC purchased before it showed up anywhere else. Happy hunting!

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Woot pretty much nerfed the API feed to the point where the BOC is sold out by the time it launches a new sale, which really sucks. It still works, just not as well.

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Same here, said it was yanked from my cart, but then let me buy it.

VOP and then failure. But I persist.

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