Burt's Bees Facial Cleansing Towlettes

Burt's Bees Facial Cleansing Towlettes

This is .10 more than purchasing direct from Burt’s. Ulta sells them for $3 same with prime pantry. So how is this a woot deal?

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It’s in the bin marked under $5. Which, I believe $4.89 is less than $5. Jimmy? Jimmy could you and the boys in the booth check on that for me? Thanks.

Okay… I am getting word back from the both that the reply does show 4.89 IS less than $5. A quality call made by the officials.

Wooster is correct to inquire. The retail price on these is not $21. Perhaps the description is wrong and it’s a case of four packs of wipes? @ThunderThighs could someone please check?

Who’s Burt and why would I want to clean his bee’s faces?

The word:

We sold it as a 3-pack last time but Amazon shipped them as single packs. So now we’re selling them as single packs but we forgot to to update the list price.

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I have these and they smell gross, I can’t even give them away!