CleverMade Sequoia Folding Backpack Chair

CleverMade Sequoia Folding Backpack Chair

I can imagine how uncomfortable this would be to wear on a hike of any duration, plus you could not wear any other backpack like a daypack. I have folding webbing chairs from the 1970s that are still sturdy and likely weigh a lot less than this, I just carry one in one hand from the car to the campfire, they weigh just a couple of pounds tops.

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I don’t think the target demographic is going to wear a chair while the hike to the top of a mountain. Being able to keep your hands free for other stuff would be handy. You could also carry a cooler in one hand and an open beer in the other on the way to watch your kid play soccer.


For hiking, I can see your point, however, I’m more picturing using this if heading to a local park for an event and have other stuff to carry. Or, if you’re heading to your kid’s sports game and have a bag with snacks and gear to carry. This chair would be great for those types of situations.

You’re right about who would probably buy this but I think Jonas is probably responding to the pictures which show people hiking and camping in the woods and not the local park/rec field.


Going to an event (concert, fireworks, sporting event, etc) can be as far as 1/2 mile walk from parking. I like the idea of a backpack style chair if it had pockets to carry food, bug repellent, drinks etc., and maybe the chairs legs could extend?

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But think of the fat you will burn getting up out of this thing when you kid scores. You will no doubt pull a muscle.

I like Woot’s idea of using it while waiting in line. Pop it open when you need it and put it on your back when you get in the store 2 hours later. If you took the chair back to the car, you would be getting out of line, so keeping it on your back is the smart option.

Another reason not to have children!!!