Dell Latitude 3190 11.6" Laptop (S&D)

Dell Latitude 3190 11.6" Laptop (S&D)

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This looks surprisingly decent for the price. That processor won’t get you very far though.

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For the basics, the processor is … usable. Definitely faster than the craptops laptops I recently bought that have Celeron processors.

8GB of RAM is a huge plus; Windows seems to take up like 3GB alone on a fresh install.

Also I’m not sure why it says it’s not W11 compatible; it is a validated CPU on Microsoft’s list.

(Note that I am not staff. I just volunteer to help out on the forums.)

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Can confirm. Bought one of these for the wife last time it was on sale and it will take W11 install. There is a BIOS option that needs to be changed beforehand, but that’s about all.

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This CPU is actually a big step up from previous Latitude 31xx series laptops, and those were good enough for day to day light use. These make for perfect couch computers, they are great for taking on a trip for when your phone isn’t quite up to the task (certain websites that require a desktop class operating system and browser), and they are also great for one-off tasks. I used to use mine as a diagnostics PC for working on my vehicles as it ran the diagnostic software just fine and the battery was more than up to a couple of hours’ worth of testing and tweaking. I recently switched that to a Surface Go 2 for even more portability but the Dell was just fine otherwise.

Picked up one (refurbished, but not S&D) a while back. The keyboard had some mushy keys that eventually stopped working. Replaced the keyboard which was relatively easy using Dell’s documentation. Swapped out the 128GB SSD for a 256GB and installed Win 11 and it has been a pretty stable machine. I don’t recommend running Dell’s support assistant or whatever it is called as it pegs the CPU just running in the background. I did run it long enough to pick up the latest bios and driver patches, but after that it had to go.

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Do you remember what option you changed? Would like to try a Win11 install on this myself but I’m not too technically savvy, heh.

I pulled the trigger on this. Just need a backup and the price is right though I would have been happier if I had a coupon.

Won’t arrive until February 15th (and hasn’t shipped yet). WHY does it take SO LONG?

Just got the email it shipped UPS last night and will arrive TOMORROW!

Very pleased so far. Has a few imperfections on the outside but inside it looks and behaves brand new. I swear the keyboard is new. Since this model doesn’t have an internal fan I bought a cheapo laptop cooling stand on the Mothership and sprang for a wireless mouse (a cheapo but goodo Rii - they last and last and have great battery life)

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This morning, for the first time I tried using the computer on battery power and there is NONE when it is unplugged. It shows 92% battery with “(plugged in”) and dead as a doornail when unplugged meaning the battery isn’t holding a charge.


I’ve reached out to customer service about this and hopefully they can remedy it because a laptop that only works when plugged in defeats the purpose of having a ‘laptop’.