Derby #64 Cyberpub: What's in a name?

aaah! never happened to me. gotten bit a few times, though.

I was really freaked out, but was so tired I just couldn’t do anything about them. Plus, there were supposedly bigger ones outside the A-frame…

Couldn’t do the old glass and piece of paper trick?

They were on the top of an A-frame among wood 2x4’s. Couldn’t catch them if I wanted to…

Here’s a pic of the A-frame

need a lasso.

You make science look so great :frowning:

Wasn’t glamorous, but it sure was nice being 10,000 feet up on the side of a volcano doing research on birds found nowhere else on Earth. I’ve never seen so many stars at night, or been in a place so wondrous. It was a small price to pay.

My anthropology teacher said on his first dig as a grad student, he asked where you wash up before lunch.
He was laughed at!
He had a huge problem with the fact that Jane Goodall was never dirty in any of her National Geographic shows.

She was so pure that dirt fell right off of her. Or, they had a lot of premoistened towelettes…

I’m pretty sure that the apes washed her off.

Or licked…

Pimping Fable’s design because I reallllllly want it. Please vote!

I return you to your regular silence. I go back to writing sql queries now…

The teeth are weird.

mabe space a little far apart in the bottom dog?

chunder poll is running 4 for chat, 1 against.

Well, when you going to change it???

sometimes we must guard against the tyranny of the majority.


sigh… 5 to 1 for chat, and only one post from the ducky last friday. looks like chat may make a comeback on chunder.

i’ll think about it.