Ed Hardy SkyHawk RC Helicopter

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New Ed Hardy SkyHawk RC Helicopter, for $29.99 + $5 shipping
Product: 1x Ed Hardy Special Edition SkyHawk 2CH Remote Control Helicopter

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Great for toy soldier evacs.

ED HARDY!!! sweet

good lookin heli, too bad its 2 chan

great for annoying neighbors!

Looks like this isn’t IR! Yay! :slight_smile:

First sucker: benchseat67
Speed to first woot: 2m 13.577s
Last wooter to woot: benchseat67

Guess we know benchseat67 is from Washington.

Two channel helicopters are like driving a car with no steering or brakes. If you want to go up and down, and maybe hover if there’s no breeze, go for it. I’m sure that the garbled description in no way indicates poor build quality!

Video of how it flys:

I am really sick of woot having the army guys and getting my hopes up, but then saying that they aren’t included.

Thats all I want in these auctions. Give us our army guys really!!!

Yes, indeed. 20% of the video is of the thing sitting on the ground, and the rest is composed of multiple edits, none more than 4 seconds long, showing the copter careening around at the mercy of the breeze. Looks like you’ll have a hair-raising three minutes before it crashes and breaks…

It looks like I posted twice because of a site lag, and there’s no “delete” option now, so I’ll just edit this and add that the little indoor infrared copters for $10 are a better idea for semi-controlled flight. If you want to fly outside, get a 3 or 4 channel copter.

Can somebody reply and let me know how these helicopters are? Is this a good deal, are they some-what quality for the price; or will I be buying a piece of garbage? I’ve been looking to buy one of these for awhile now and don’t want to spend a lot, but I also don’t want to get burned on the deal. Thanks=)

What’s an Ed Hardy? Chinese?

Only 10 minutes of flight time on a 2-4hr charge? I guess you’re going to need a bunch of extra batteries to have any kind of fun. Anyone know where to pick up extra batteries?

BTW, who’s Ed Hardy anyway?

The youtube video discussed above definitely ditto’s this… like a car with just the gas pedal

i start to cry when i realize people buy something so bad - especially when they buy three. but then i realize how funny it will be when they realize that they wasted their money on this junk - especially when they buy three.

Ed Hardy is a famous tatooist. So you’ll get a bunch of retarded looking stickers that cost $29 and a helicopter worth $.99.

Ed Hardy should not be encouraged.