Energizer Universal 8000mAh Rechargeable Battery Pack

Will it power a stun gun? How about my margarita blender?

What is with those NAILS?

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Energizer Universal 8000mAh Rechargeable Battery Pack
$39.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

Product List:

  • 1 Energizer XP8000 Universal 8000mAh Rechargeable Battery Pack w/ AC Adapter & 16 Charging Tips

DISCLAIMER Wootalyzer! is in no way affiliated with Woot!, and this post may not always be here!

wow… I was about to ask the same thing. Does it contain a flux-capacitor to generat 1.21 “jigga”-watts of electricity?

How can something look like that and not have built-in audio or video playback? Just the appearance makes me want one!

Product Website


Why in the world would a male hand model get his fingernails french manicured? That’s so strange!

man nails…

Those aren’t male hands… Those are “Man-hands”.

Buy it off Woot! Not eBay!

Maybe sell it on eBay though…

Wasn’t this posted a few weeks ago? I only ask because I got this a few weeks ago.

Really woot 10 days ago it was $20 more. Seriously guys WTF. I could understand if it was a woot off but not even 2 weeks after i get mine you have a $20 price drop.

+4 hours on a netbook? so tempting…

8 amps is a lot of backup power.

Will this power my regular laptop? I don’t see why it wouldn’t if it can power a netbook, but they were strangely specific in naming the things you can use it with so now I’m concerned.

Damn! I got ripped off. four weeks ago it was $49.99. http://www.woot.com/forums/viewpost.aspx?postid=4040621

uh i just logged in to purchase the hdmi couplers and when i changed my time zone the energizer thing came on. can i still get the hdmi stuff or not?

8000 mAh is quite a lot of juice. This’ll recharge any cell phone with a standard capacity battery at least 4 times (smartphones like the Evo 4G and iPhone 4–normal phones will get way more use from this).

My only complaint is that this is rechargable but not solar-powered. While it has considerably smaller battery capacity (1600 mAh, enough for one full smartphone recharge and change), the Freeloader Pro )http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/travelpower/beb8/ draws power quite efficiently from the sun, so it’s only the sale price with no electrical bills tacked on later. Besides, with solar power to add to the battery capacity, you could theoretically get way more battery life from it than this Energizer pack.

I have the bigger brother 18Ah and it works like a charm on everything… just gives me trouble at the airport though as its such a dense battery. This one should be ok as its roughly 1/2 the density in the same size.