Esbit .6L Water Kettle

Big whoop.

Esbit is a great company, but already have the cook set + stove which makes about the same volume as this, 18 - 20 oz. I’ll pass.

Sports… Tea… Hmmm…

Is this for playing Tea-Ball?

At least THIS is in my size.

Ore a gon and Washington are the biggest sellers?


A sports kettle ??? Umm home.woot maybe?

Esbit makes gear for backpacking and camping. This little kettle is about half a litre in capacity and lightweight. It is aimed at our outdoor trekking friends. :slight_smile:

Shoot. Me. Now.

Someone call their local scout troop so they can come buy all these freakin’ kettles!

If you’ve seen our landscape(s) you know why there are so many hikers and campers and other assorted back-to-nature types.

Got one for my upcoming backpacking trip. :stuck_out_tongue:


Haven’t been on woot in a little while and everything is… different! Where are the highly intelligently written descriptions!!! Where is anything to say anything about the product for sale!!!


I should be able to get in a cozy little nap while the water heats up, and before Sport Woot dangles another carrot in front of us.

Amazon bought Woot… it’s all been down hill from there. Goodbye humor, goodbye the best deals…

This teakettle is perfect camping gear. Chillax.

I’m in te market for the “perfect” kettle. But i want a full size one. Sigh.

For those who are wondering why this is in Sports …
This 20 oz kettle is meant for camping. It was made to fit portable burners.

The style looks perfect to illustrate the lyrics: “I’m a little teapot/Short and stout/Here’s my handle/Here’s my spout!