Forget Chopsticks…

damn drakxxx lost again… :frowning:

No see, there should be two sporks, so if you wanna use chopsticks then you can just flip the sporks around and use em!

Woot should have a week where they print all of Drakxxx’s near wins and then watch as almost all of them sell out.

Just a thought O Woot gods…

I really like the way this looks… the not too contrasty colors, vintage looks… I can’t decide if I’m in for one. It looks great. But…hopefully I won’t see any Japanese people when I’m wearing it (if I buy it), as I think the phrasing is a little formal. Plus, I prefer chopsticks, and I’d kinda like it better without the face. But I still like the way it looks overall because of the colors and style. Hmmm decisions.

Btw everyone - all asian characters aren’t kanji. For instance, this design has a mix of kanji and characters from 2 Japanese alphabets. I keep seeing a lot of people calling everything that looks asian writing “kanji” round these parts.

Well, the text along the circle says “this is the new chopstick.” I recognize the kanji in the other line, but would have to look it up.

The same reason why I didn’t buy any of the Japan derby shirts.

It’s insulting to see anyone wear a shirt with Asian characters nowadays.

i must admit, i do like the vintage look of the design though…but i dont like it enough to buy…seems a little off-topic to me…

c’est la vie…

lol…word… :slight_smile:

The design would be perfect as the cover on a menu of a Japanese restaurant run by Americans in Mexico in the 1950’s.

Stupid spork… I wanted Drakxxx to win so I could get that creepy looking shirt… :~(

For those of you who are wondering, the text says:


sakiware supuun “spork”


kore wa, atarashii ohashi desu “this is the new chopstick”.

It means what it says, and the Japanese isn’t wrong. I believe that it more polite than you’d expect from a t-shirt, but whatever.

I just checked, and my translation is essentially the same as was done in its original submission thread by superspryte.

please note: sakiware is pronounced sa-key-wa-ray

Let’s look at this scientifically:

Chopsticks let you pick up everything from a grain of rice to a whole lotta noodles (don’t be rude and stuff your face though).

Sporks are supposed to be a fork/spoon hybrid, but they’re only kinda okay at either one. They’re better suited for soft desserts than chopsticks, however.

Advantage- Chopsticks

Self defense:

Chopsticks aren’t very sharp, but they can deliver a solid, painful poke which will slow attackers.

Sporks can too, but they’re usually made out of bendy plastic, which means that they won’t do much good aimed at center mass.

Advantage: Chopstick

Improvisational uses:

Chopsticks can be used for anything stick related, including drumsticks, pick up sticks, walking sticks (for exceptionally short people) and devil sticks.

Sporks would probably be a decent replacement for a miniature zen garden rake. Other than that, I dunno.

Winner- Chopsticks. Sorry, spork.

Unless, of course, the person wearing it speaks/understands the Asian language in which it’s written.

I tend to stay away from shirts with Japanese writing, but the design on this one was just too much fun to pass up.

I would like to be able to buy one of Drakxxx’s shirts, but it doesn’t look like I’ll ever get that chance.

…my dad made me learn chopsticks before i could even pick up a tune, so i cant forget chopsticks…

Gotta love the spork… Like Jim Gaffigan said.

“Chopsticks are cute… but I’d rater eat than play operation”

Actually, if I may suggest… head over to and vote for his Wise Old Master piece.

Agreed. Some shirts that I will never wear keep winning ahead of it.

Well… I think it’s Asia’s (particularly Japan’s) fault for making a cool looking symbol language.

If they would of just stuck to normal letters… They wouldn’t have this problem.