Forget Chopsticks…

Sorry, I’d rather use chopsticks.

Spork: the Swiss Army Knife of cutlery.


What does the Kanji translate to?

I don’t think you would want to mess with the Japanese tradition Mr.Spork!

“Condition: David Bowie.”

Sporks are awesome. everyone should have one.

What does this have to do with Japan other than the text?

I’m spork curious. What’s a discreet way to find out if I’m truly ready to be with a spork?

I get

yikes, there’s been a server error.

The smiling spork? Irresistable!

Drakxxx only ended up in the fog because another entry got the boot. Their art file supposedly wasn’t uploaded to woot by 8am Thursday morning.

Drakxxx was a good 50 some votes behind 3rd.

Yeahhh I get an error too :frowning:

I want my spork!

the face is way too cutesy for me. i know it’s with the theme but i’d actually consider buying it without that.

Hahaha the best thing about this stupid shirt is the woot description. ‘spork curious’ hehehe. (And no Im not a spork virgin.)

its a fun design but not for me…

The condition of this shirt is insulting. I’m sure David Bowie would want nothing to do with this shirt or any of the other ones in the Japan derby. AND THE SONG IS CALLED “CHINA GIRL”!

Kinky! :wink: Mwahahahahaha…rofl! :slight_smile:

Seeing Japanese wear shirts with English they don’t understand on them has taught me one thing - I’m never going to wear a shirt with Japanese writing on it in Japan.